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Storytelling 101: You Need to Stay True to Your Narrative

Kelsey Dring, Creative HEAD’s digital director, believes you’re the best salesperson for your brand.

“Facts tell, stories sell” is an old-school marketing mantra, but one which still rings true in the era of TikTok and Instagram being the main drivers in brand building. With so much content available at a click or swipe, it’s easy to get swept up in the current trend causing a buzz in the industry. Still, the art of storytelling on social media lies in staying true to your narrative.

I believe that no-one can sell your brand like you. Though it may not feel comfortable to start with, the reality is that you should be putting yourself front and centre of the content you create. By nature, people are nosey, so they want to see your face and what happens behind closed doors. For example, if you were to post a behind-the-scenes look at a day in the life of a salon owner, that’s a part of your brand story that brings your followers closer to the action.

It’s no good filming tonnes of content without first considering the purpose. Try to narrow down what direction the story should take in a couple of sentences. What are you trying to accomplish with that video or Reel? Is it to share an exciting shoot or team project? Is it to showcase a new service or product launch? Or is it simply to re-engage your following and build a sense of community?

A big aspect of that is also showcasing your personality – your followers know you can create great hair, so your social media platforms should go the extra mile and offer a unique perspective that sets you apart from the competition. The most compelling stories are those which are truly authentic, so home in on the type of content you enjoy creating, then rinse and repeat.


Are You Earning Enough?

Are You Earning Enough?

Boss Your Salon founder Maddi Cook’s new financial survey suggests you’re not – especially if you’re a business owner.