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Creative HEAD’s sister company is helping to realign perceptions around careers in hairdressing and campaigning for the industry to be valued and recognised as creative, highly skilled and open to all.

We’ve built a website that provides compelling insight into the modern professional industry and the different career paths within it, as well as how and where to train as a hairdresser. If you’re looking for apprentices, you can register your salon for free on our database.

Meanwhile, we work with everyone from Government bodies to the parents of school-leavers and the students themselves, showcasing hairdressing within National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week.

Our work to date includes a documentary following seven hair pros on their career journeys, complete with commentary from Sam McKnight and Central Saint Martins tutor Louise Gray, which premiered at the Royal Society for the Arts.

Did you see our Not ‘Just’ A Hairdresser campaign, featuring 12 real-life hair pros? It ran on TV and social media and was a huge success. A follow-up campaign, Not ‘Just’ A Salon underlined the importance of hair salons in the local community and was seen by over 18 million people.

Our work continues, so keep checking in!