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Michael Young’s homage to his home city of Newcastle was liberating in more ways than one


Over a three-week period in early February 2025, photographer Michael Young took to the streets and bridges of Newcastle, shooting a series of images that captured his love for his home city. This was a personal project of Michael’s, undertaken purely for his own pleasure and without any of the commercial or time pressures he encounters in his usual photographic work. Instead, the shoot was scheduled around the availability of the models (all of them from Newcastle, all of them wearing their own clothes, with hair styled by Michael’s partner Gary Hooker) and, of course, the good old Northern weather.

The resulting images – free of any influence from industry trends or peers – reflect Michael’s authentic connection with what excites him and stirs him creatively. ‘Hometown’ is about what Michael loves and what comes from the heart.

When you’re immersed in your professional photographic work it’s so hard not to be influenced by what the current buzz is about, how you feel your work ‘should’ look. It’s easy to forget what you personally find interesting when you’re producing work for other people’s consumption. This project allowed me to step away from these influences and develop my own creativity.

“Working without constraints, without any pressure, allows my creativity to flow in a truly organic way. It tends to happen best when I’m working alone. I let my thoughts start in quite a small space and then allow them to expand and unfold as the project evolves. Shooting the looks and seeing the ‘Hometown’ story start to build was exciting – it injected freshness into my art. The process is like an artist painting at an easel, stepping away and then returning time and again with fresh eyes to see what needs adding next.

“A personal project like this enables me to develop my creativity by providing new sources and channels of inspiration and opening up new and exciting approaches to explore. It forces me to think differently about how I approach my subjects and this, in turn, affects my professional work, making me see familiar scenarios through different eyes.”

HAIR Gary Hooker & Michael Young for Hooker & Young



Michael Young will be talking about reclaiming confidence and staying creatively relevant as a salon boss at Creative HEAD’s Salon Smart business networking event on Monday 7 April. More information here.

“Keep Working Like Nothing Is Wrong”

“Keep Working Like Nothing Is Wrong”

“Keep Working Like Nothing Is Wrong”

When Creative HEAD held a discussion on the impact of problematic periods, a female salon boss wrote to us saying: “This exact woke attitude is why women aren’t taken seriously in business.” Why the lack of sisterhood? Periods are not fun for anyone, but the fact is that some are hit so badly they need sporadic time off to deal with them. Surely they need a workplace that’s supportive, not one that expects them to suffer in silence?


Hairdressing is an industry that’s powered by women – around 88 per cent of workers in hair are female. Obviously, a big chunk of them are having periods, and according to statistics, for around 40 per cent period pain is so bad they will have to miss work. Yet despite there being a flurry of activity around the menopause in recent years, there hasn’t been any real discussion around how to help women working in salons or as independent business owners with troublesome periods. Slightly baffling.

Menstrual leave, launched in Spain in 2023, is widely derided in Britain as a woke European thing, so the offer of three to five days of paid leave per month won’t happen here just yet. That means the only tangible workplace support for problem period sufferers in the UK – reasonable adjustments like reduced or flexible hours, home working and the provision of special equipment – is if they meet the threshold for disability.

If we want women to be able to work – to be able to function – as humans despite the various nonsensical menstrual conundrums bestowed upon us, we need not just to look into what’s causing problem periods but also to give women the time and space to deal with these things. That is why Creative HEAD gathered a group of women to discuss the impact of problematic periods on working women, to consider how best to manage them and find solutions – and to learn how to better advocate for yourself with employers who might have a similar attitude to our email correspondent.

Cristina Fazzone – independent colourist


“I find it shocking that we don’t speak about periods. For the 40 per cent of women who have to miss work due to painful periods, it means we’re suffering in silence. I would love to break the taboo, start seeing change in the workplace, and to do that, we need to start talking about periods openly, because it’s definitely a topic that we steer away from. We push through and we hope everything’s going to be okay, and that isn’t the way to deal with it.

“The most important thing I wanted to raise here is the impact of my periods on my work, and how it started to affect my job as a hairdresser. When I was employed, it was a nightmare – a sick day meant rescheduling a whole day of clients, losing clients potentially because of it. But on top of that, there was a lack of empathy from my bosses around why I was calling in sick.

“Things got a lot worse when I became self-employed because it affected my income so much more. I also started to notice the impact of my periods on my creativity and being able to give my full energy to a client. Our creativity is affected by our cycles. We can’t expect to deliver the same results every time.

“So essentially, the question is, how are we catering to women in the industry? I feel it’s time for change. For women to be taken seriously, the process taking place within our body needs to be understood, because we can’t deliver the same efficiency if we are just pushing through and pretending that it doesn’t happen.”

Connie Owen – Cristina’s period coach


“I am a cycle awareness guide. I help women rediscover the sacredness of their cycle, which is the rhythm that we live to as women. As cyclical beings, just like nature has seasons, we’re never the same person all the time. Understanding our cycles can help us be more creative, be more efficient.

“The menstrual phase, our bleed, is when many of us have our lightbulb moments. When an idea does come, write it down rather than pursue it at full force because I wouldn’t advise embarking on a project during your bleed. 

“When you move into the follicular phase, this is a time to break your idea down, perhaps with a moodboard. Then, as you move into the ovulatory phase, you can really shift the gears into making your dreams possible. You’ve got this surge of energy, you’re glowing, you feel determined to bring your idea to life.

“Finally, you go into your luteal phase, which is when you start cocooning back into the darkness to reflect on your creativity and the month that you’ve had – what went well, what needs to change. And you then carry that into your bleed and the cycle begins again. Every phase can help you with your creativity. It’s just knowing when to go full force with something and when to hold back a little bit.

“My advice to working women who suffer from painful periods would be to not push through. The energy that we have on our bleeds is meant for healing, and when that’s outsourced, we can end up being really depleted and fragile. It’s about having boundaries with yourself, giving yourself permission to say no or to rest, because you can’t expect other people to allow that for you when you don’t allow that for yourself.”

Anna Cooper – co-founder of charity, The Menstrual Health Project


“I’m a nail technician and co-founder of The Menstrual Health Project, a patient-led charity that seeks to improve education around menstruation and help people navigate these conditions more confidently, accurately and comfortably. Our vision is a world where gynaecological health is no longer stigmatised – society sees periods as dirty, and we’ve ignored the topic far too long

“We’re up against it in this industry, having to cancel a day of clients due to period pain, but actually, the biggest thing is communicating with your clients and your boss, if you have one, so they understand what you’re going through. Often, people just don’t understand conditions like endometriosis, that it causes long term pain, that there is no cure and that it comes under the disability bracket, and that actually comes with rights.

“I urge anybody who manages staff to educate yourself on these conditions, because we’ve gone for far too long with the attitude that women have to put up and shut up. Did you know, when a woman goes to a GP it takes an average of 10 GP visits for her to be taken seriously? It takes an average of one GP visit for a man to be taken seriously. So, we have a huge gender health gap within our health system, which doesn’t help.

“Being aware of your healthcare and employment rights is crucial, they’re there to protect you. Make sure you are going to your boss with accurate information about your condition. Tracking pain and symptoms is not just for when you’re going to the doctor, it also can help within the workplace, because it can show your bosses what you’re having to deal with. Don’t be afraid to ask if you’re able to have flexible working; explain why you need it and how.

“Be your biggest advocate. Trust your body as you know it best. Don’t feel afraid or embarrassed to speak up. Talking about mental health is not shameful. We need to understand that the only way things will change is if we open up. As women, we don’t get a choice whether we have periods or not, so we shouldn’t have to make a choice whether we speak out about it or not.”

To find out more, visit menstrualhealthproject.org.uk

“We Know We Can Rely On Our Future Workforce”

“We Know We Can Rely On Our Future Workforce”

“We Know We Can Rely On Our Future Workforce”

Why Hooker & Young have always invested in apprentices


“We Have Always Invested In Apprentices” – Michael Young, Co-Owner, Hooker & Young, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

Victoria Lynch

Michael Young

“The Hooker & Young group consists of four very busy salons located across the North-East, and I’m proud to say that apart from a couple of exceptions, every single one of our 55 stylists started as an apprentice with us.  

“We have always invested in apprentices to assist our stylists, right from when we opened our first salon 30 years ago. Over those three decades, our apprenticeship programme has built real momentum within the business because we know we can rely on our future workforce. What’s more, it means that every single apprentice who goes on to the salon floor understands the Hooker & Young ethos and what is required of them. That is so valuable.  

“Hooker & Young is about luxury hairdressing, and we charge prices to match. Our clientele is well-heeled, very demanding and expects a five-star experience, like they get in the restaurants they frequent. They notice the details.  

“Just like in those restaurants, where you’ll often have one waiter for every table, we have an assistant supporting every stylist. That’s crucial, because it allows a stylist to move easily between multiple clients, knowing that each client is being well looked after by the assistant in between.

If it wasn’t for the assistants, the stylist would need to stay with the same client for the duration of their appointment, and that is obviously very limiting. 

“Assistants not only allow us to deliver the levels of service we want, they are a crucial part of the process that brings extra revenue into the business. Thanks to our assistants we never have to turn clients away and that means our salons continue to grow. The way we look at it, our apprentices and assistants are as important as anyone on the salon floor.” 

“The Salon Is Where I Do All My Learning” – Amelia Richardson, Apprentice, Hooker & Young, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 

Amelia Richardson

Amelia Richardson

“When I left school I already knew I wanted to be a hairdresser, but I was pushed into doing A-Levels at Sixth Form College. I left after a few months because it wasn’t for me. I really did want to do hairdressing! 

“I chose to do an apprenticeship because I like to be in the workplace. Hooker & Young responded to my CV, and after an initial taster session in their Jesmond salon, I showed up for my first day at work as their first new starter in eight months.  

“I was very nervous, but because everyone in the team had started out as an apprentice themselves, they knew exactly what they had to show me so I could do my job. By the end of the day I knew where things were kept, how to clean down a styling station, how the salon dynamic worked. I felt so happy. I knew I’d made the right decision.

“Although I spend a day in college every two weeks, the salon is where I do all my learning. You learn from observing the stylists you work with, as well as other apprentices – it’s incredible how a salon works. I love being part of a team, there’s always someone you can talk to, no matter what it is you want to talk about. I look forward to going to work, to see my co-workers.  

“It’s absolutely possible to live on the apprenticeship wage (currently £6.40 per hour). I work 41 hours per week and over the last two years I’ve been able to pay my board, buy a car, get my phone, eat out a couple of times a week and have a decent holiday. The trick is to budget properly – my mum has taught me that. 

“I’m 18 years old and coming to the end of my apprenticeship. In June I’ll be doing my End Point Assessment, which is where an external assessor comes and observes me essentially run my own column for a day. I’m nervous, but I know it’s something everyone in the salon has been through themselves.  

“I see myself spending the next 10 years at least at Hooker & Young. Of course, I dream of owning my own salon one day, but I have seen how people can grow here and how much support they are given – it’s exciting and reassuring all at the same time. I am so glad I chose hairdressing as my career and I am very happy I got to do my apprenticeship at such a great salon.” 

“We Particularly Focus On Consultation”

“We Particularly Focus On Consultation”

“We Particularly Focus On Consultation”

How Tribe Salons ensure their apprentices are salon ready


“When people are homegrown, understand your way of doing things, and have been with you from the start, they stay for longer” – Elle Foreman, head of education, Tribe Salons, Clapham and Chislehurst

Victoria Lynch

Elle Forman

“We’re a family run business with two salons – in Clapham and Chislehurst – and we’ve always kept things quite small so we can be personal and people orientated. We have a very diverse clientele across both salons, aged from 16 up to 92, all different hair textures and hair types. The salon is priced more towards the higher end, as we’re an Aveda salon. That means we have a high standard to maintain. 

“We’ve always offered apprenticeships, we need to bring new talent through, that they’re able to learn on a daily basis. We have seven now, and probably about 50 per cent of the teams across both salons started with us as apprentices. It’s so hard to recruit nowadays, especially in London. When people are homegrown, understand your way of doing things, and have been with you from the start, they stay for longer.  

“While apprentices are doing their NVQ, they train within the salon, learning alongside the stylists on the job. However, after their EPA, their training goes further with us. Every Tuesday, I have all the newly qualified assistants, and we book in models for the whole day so that it’s like having a column of clients, and I help them advance their skill set so they’re fully equipped when they hit the shop floor. We particularly focus on consultation. I think it’s something that can be skipped over with an apprenticeship. The focus is on learning the technical skills, but consultation for us is a big one. We make sure our apprentices understand how to talk to people and get the best out them so that they can deliver a confident result.  

We had a period last year where it was quite evident that people were coming into the industry thinking it would be an easy route, but then quickly realise that to become a hairdresser, and you must do lots of training. We’ve changed our recruitment process, adapting the questions to try and filter out the ones that aren’t doing it for the right reasons. 

Tripe Clapham

Tribe Clapham

“I really like the social side, all the different personalities” – Hannah Robinson, Apprentice, Tribe Salons, Clapham and Chislehurst 

Amelia Richardson

Hannah Robinson

“I wasn’t too sure about what I wanted to do it first. I looked at apprenticeships in law and mechanics, but I opted for hairdressing. I’m coming into my second full year. I go to college every Monday, and then Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays I’m in the salon.  

“I wasn’t too keen on it first, but I’ve really grown to like it. I find it fun and interesting. Even if I continue this for the next 10 or so years and then change, I will always have this skill. I thought it would be quite easy, and then once I started doing it, there was a lot of standing, cleaning and tidying, but I realised there’s a lot I could learn while I’m doing it. It all started to click for me after my first Christmas – I was doing more in the salon, getting involved with more clients and enjoying it more. 

“I enjoy doing colour, but I think I’m more of a cutting stylist. Once I start talking to a client, and get to know them a bit, that’s what I really enjoy. I really like the social side, all the different personalities. 

“I’ll probably do my EPA next year, so I’m fully prepared. I might like my own salon one day, but I’m not much of a business type. I think I’d rather go into the events side, special occasion hair, weddings and Fashion Week.

“I really enjoy working as part of a team. I can get help from everybody else when I don’t understand something, or if I need help with a client or doing a certain job. I feel I can rely on everybody else around me to help me with that.” 

“I can’t Imagine A World In Which I Would Have A Salon And Not Have An Apprentice”

“I can’t Imagine A World In Which I Would Have A Salon And Not Have An Apprentice”

“I can’t Imagine A World In Which I Would Have A Salon And Not Have An Apprentice”

Stripe Colour Studio on why more salons need to invest in the next generation  


“Do you care what happens to the future of hairdressing? If you do, then you need to take apprentices on. It can’t just be every man for himself” – Nancy Stripe, owner of Stripe Colour Studio, Handforth 

Victoria Lynch

Nancy Stripe

“I can’t imagine a world in which I would have a salon and not have an apprentice. The two go hand in hand, and as a salon owner, it frees you to do so much more for your own business.  

“My job is not an everyday nine-to-five job – I do lots of different things outside of the salon and I can’t work the way I do without them. Zoe is now a graduate stylist and Kitty will be completing her apprenticeship this year, so I’ve always got to be thinking, ‘Where would I be this time next year if either of them left? What would happen?’ With them on the team, I can do more teaching and go to places I need to go. Apprentices are the most important people in the salon.  

“I also like to bring them along to events and education as much as possible. I want to get them involved in things they find exciting because hairdressing is not an average job and there are so many avenues you can go down. When I went to London earlier this month, Kitty came with me and was my right hand while I was teaching. I want to show them that to curate your dream job with your dream clientele, this is where it starts. 

“Salons need to show their apprentices what’s next. If you have some fun projects happening or things that aren’t necessarily everyday appointments, bring apprentices into the fold and allow them to be part of it. That, in turn, gives them a better view of what their career can be.  

“It baffles me that everybody’s just thinking for themselves now. Do you care what happens to the future of hairdressing? If you do, then you need to take apprentices on. It can’t just be every man for himself.” 

Tripe Clapham

Zoe and Kitty working hard at Stripe Colour Studio

“To do a hairdressing apprenticeship, you’ve got to really want to do it. You can’t be 50/50 about it” – Zoe Mcgruer, Graduate Stylist, Stripe Colour Studio, Handforth  

Victoria Lynch

Zoe Mcgruer

“My mum is a hairdresser, so it’s something I’ve always considered doing for my career. I enjoyed doing all my friends’ hair, but I qualified as a nail technician first before deciding on this industry. It made me realise that I wanted to give hairdressing a go, so I came and worked for Nancy. 

“In this area, there’s no other salon like us – no other space specialises in colour and grey blending, so I knew it was the right choice to work at Stripe. Everyone is so supportive in the team, and watching how everyone does things differently has made the experience so enjoyable.  

“I’m newly qualified, and I’m still learning from Nancy as I go. If you’re not sure about something, just say how you feel. Be honest and say this isn’t working for me. If everyone’s honest with each other, you can move forward. There are no bad feelings. No one takes it personally.  

“Finding a really good boss – someone who actually cares about you – is so important. Nancy doesn’t just care about how we are at work, but also outside of work; she always checks up on us. She looks out for us and I think you need that. It’s good to have guidance from someone experienced to support you with going in the right direction.

“To do a hairdressing apprenticeship, you’ve got to really want to do it. You can’t be 50/50 about it it’s a job that you’ve got to give 110 per cent in no matter what, because it is not an easy job to be doing. My advice is to find somewhere that suits you – don’t just stick it out if it’s not working.” 

Nancy with Zoe and Kitty

“It’s been one of the most positive journeys of my life, and I can’t take anything bad away from it” – Kitty Dyson, Apprentice, Stripe Colour Studio, Handforth 

Kitty Dyson

“I’m really happy with how I’m progressing through my apprenticeship. I can’t believe how fast the two years have gone and how fast I’ve learned everything. It’s been one of the most positive journeys of my life, and I couldn’t take anything bad away from it. 

“My grandma was a hairdresser, so I grew up around it. I used to go to work with her if my parents couldn’t look after me, so I’d go and help her by passing the perm papers. I was always around it and hairdressing has always interested me. It’s the atmosphere of the salon that I love the most – we’re all in it together. It doesn’t matter what has happened before I arrive, I know we’re still going to have a nice day together. 

“I’m with Nancy pretty much all day, so I’m by her side learning all the time. It could be watching a certain placement of the foils or a technique or product being used. I learn the why behind it and ask the questions that needed to be asked. I try to absorb as much knowledge as I can.  

“While the first year was a slower pace, the second year has ramped up. Now, I will help Nancy with root shadows or blow-dries when she is back-to-back with clients. You can’t expect to be doing a set of highlights after a month of training; you need to be realistic with your expectations, but bit by bit, the pieces will all come together.”  

“People love beauty. That makes me happy, to know that so many people are being impacted” – Ali Pirzadeh on the power of hair

“People love beauty. That makes me happy, to know that so many people are being impacted” – Ali Pirzadeh on the power of hair

“People Love Beauty. That Makes Me Happy, To Know That So Many People Are Being Impacted” – Ali Pirzadeh On The Power Of Hair

2024 Most Wanted Session Stylist Ali Pirzadeh talks about his heritage, creating compelling narratives through hair and why routine keeps him grounded


Photography by Harry Carr Revue

Ali Pirzadeh

Ali Pirzadeh is a session scene luminary. A styler, twister, shaper and sculptor, his hair work amplifies fashion shows and campaigns, creating a dynamic interplay between the clothes’ texture and the hair’s fabric.

And this talent has been woven into an impressive multi-award-winning career spanning nearly three decades, during which time he has crafted a captivating portfolio. Most recently, he took home the Session Stylist trophy at Creative HEAD’s Most Wanted awards. And for good reason. He was also celebrated in The BOF (Business of Fashion) 500 in 2022, a collection of people shaping the global fashion industry, curated by the brand editors and based on nominations and global on-the- ground intel.

This global appeal – and his multicultural approach to hair – can be traced back to his roots. Born in Tehran, his family moved to Sweden when he was four years old, finding a safe space for him and his sister to grow up (more on that later). His home life clearly shaped his cross-cultural identity, reflected in the diversity of his hair creations and campaigns. Forty years later, he’s recognised for embracing all textures at all times, which has positioned him firmly at the epicentre of the hair and fashion industries, exciting and delighting as he goes.

Ali Pirzadeh

Ali Pirzadeh is a session scene luminary. A styler, twister, shaper and sculptor, his hair work amplifies fashion shows and campaigns, creating a dynamic interplay between the clothes’ texture and the hair’s fabric.

And this talent has been woven into an impressive multi-award-winning career spanning nearly three decades, during which time he has crafted a captivating portfolio. Most recently, he took home the Session Stylist trophy at Creative HEAD’s Most Wanted awards. And for good reason. He was also celebrated in The BOF (Business of Fashion) 500 in 2022, a collection of people shaping the global fashion industry, curated by the brand editors and based on nominations and global on-the- ground intel.


British Vogue, Photography by Felicity Ingram

Where The Heart Is

Down-to-earth, hes the creative conduit behind the key hair looks of the season, a fashion facilitator. The stealth master of hair ceremony who knows his worth but is humble about it. And while session arguably takes a back seat to fashion (designers take a bow, post-show, not the hair tailors), hes unfazed. His focus is fully entrenched in concept and creation. The secret, perhaps, is that Ali loves his life. All of it. Hes clear on boundaries (my work studio is in our garden, so I dont confuse work and home) and has a deep desire to create, mixing with like-minded friends who want to develop concepts just for usas much as he wants to create heart-fluttering campaigns for the bigwigs and fashion cognoscenti – Alexander McQueen, Nina Ricci and Louis Vuitton, to name just a few.

His jam-packed schedule is not for the faint-hearted. When we speak, hes just home from Paris and followed by Stockholm to shoot a big fashion campaign. Now hes gearing up for a new project back in Paris before a shoot with the iconic photographer, Tim Walker. Its hectic. Im always all over the place. Life is exciting but I need balance in-between. Im always happy to be home,” he admits. 

“I believe you get led in a direction. I loved looking at magazines but didn’t know session styling was a thing. It still feels surreal”

Home is the space he shares with his partner of 13 years in Dalston. A fine art photographer, Ali credits him with possessing a calm manner that allows him to flourish creatively, without overwhelm. Alongside his partners support, Ali reveals small details that allow him to think bigger and create better. Structure, discipline, rituals and routine all ensure he can stick to his schedule of sometimes 19-hour days and rollercoaster rosters of shoots and shows. I love routine, having my oat latte in the morning, working out, those things are important to me,” he confides. While London is now his home, he says moving from Iran to Sweden was very Sliding Doors.’ “That single decision altered so much in our lives. We were the first wave of immigrants from Iran, and Sweden was very welcoming. It was an idyllic place to grow up.”

However, standing out from the crowd meant he was teased about his heritage. A year-long stint in Italy (I lived in Rome for a while and had a taste of blending in a little), was nothing compared to the inclusivity he feels in London. Home can mean so many different things, but London is my happy place. Its where I feel I belong.”

Rogue Fashion Book, Photography by Felicity Ingram

His CV reads like a Whos Who of the fashion world, something he’s grateful for, given the journey to feeling this sense of belonging. My dad wanted me to study economics, so I played along. It wasnt right for me,” he recalls. His sisters job as a hairdresser shone a spotlight on the creative career he craved. Growing up, I always played with dolls. I cut their hair and put bows on them. As soon as I started hairdressing, I was super happy.”

At 15 he became an apprentice in a Stockholm salon looking after socialites and well-heeled clients. Working five-to-six days a week meant that when he started hair school, he was already on a roll: I knew how to root colour, to blow-dry. I studied hair for three years working every day after school. I felt very much at home. Coming from a place where I had felt like a bad student into one of being nurtured was wonderful.” 

After renting a chair (I had my little clique of clients two years in by that time), he opened a salon in Stockholm with his sister and a friend. Our make-up artist friend brought models into the salon, and I did their hair. Massive baroque styles. There was no other intent back then apart from I wanted to do it.” When his friend showed her agent his work, Ali began assisting. Within six months, he was signed by her agency. I believe you get led in a direction. I loved looking at magazines but didnt know session styling was a thing. It still feels surreal. I feel very lucky.” Now session is Alis way of sculpting and connecting while amplifying his ideas. Hair is a material you can shape. It tells you where it wants to go or what it wants to do. I love what I do. The finished result in a magazine can awaken emotions in people as it did for me when I was younger.” 

Vogue Scandinavia, Photography by Marc Hibbert

In It To Win It

Cut to 2012, and Ali won ELLE Swedens Best Hairstylist of the Year, scooping the title again in 2016. Most recently, he was named 2024 Most Wanted Session Stylist. Winning meant everything to me. I couldnt believe it. Everyone nominated is so talented,” he says. Working in Hong Kong, he found waking up to the news he had won rather surreal: I was at breakfast in complete shock. It means people appreciate the voice I put out there. That is a truly wonderful thing.”

While clearly at the top of his game, his hair story is one of hard graft and tenacity. I always wanted something more, so I made sure I did show season. I made sure I assisted smaller shows. I networked, worked on fashion weeks and got to know agents.” He also recognises those who helped him on his journey, including Swedish photographer Camilla Akrans. I started working with her on campaigns, and she began putting my name out in those arenas. She played a big part in my access across the pond.” 

He also cites the late Alexander McQueen as a huge inspiration in fashion design: He was raw, creative, authentic. He made an impact. He had no boundaries. His work still blows my mind.” Tim Walker is also a firm favourite, with their collaborative work appearing on the covers of Vogue Mexico (December 2021) and British Vogue (July 2023), among countless others (the latter capturing a shimmering army of LGBTQ+ pioneers sharing stories of style and self-discovery). His images have so much emotion and expression,” he says. Calling their first collaboration a pivotal moment, Ali loves the fluidity of their work. Hes so inspiring, so open to my ideas. He will ask: ‘How do YOU see this narrative come to life?I still cant believe Im lucky enough to work with him.”

Perfect Magazine, Photography by Rafael Pavarotti

Go With The Flow

His 2025 diary is already packed, with the routines and pillars, such as Fashion Week, essential elements to keeping him balanced. People are shocked at my schedule, they dont believe I can start at 5.30 am and finish at 11 pm. Hair work will exhaust you, so its important to keep a routine. You must keep taking care of yourself.” While theres no typical day, its guaranteed to be organised. The one constant is Im up between 5am and 6am. Theres a lot of prep work to what we do. A huge amount of unpacking and repacking. I always try to be two steps ahead.”

When it comes to Fashion Week, how does he get through the gruelling schedules? Teamwork. Im doing the work, but I couldnt succeed without such a strong network. You need that support. Everything has a process and we give a lot emotionally and mentally, so anything that makes it flow a little easier is a huge help.” Currently on the books at Streeters, his agent, Gary, is part of this support network. It feels like someone constantly has your back. Its a meaningful friendship.” 

While teamwork is a clear marker of what he loves about the session world Its great to feel part of something bigger than you” – is there anything about the industry he wishes he could change? Im sad that print media has taken a back seat to the culture of social media,” he says. As a creator, it saddens me. I take a lot of pride in concepts and ideas. Im excited when a project comes out, but social media means its gone so fast. Its a machine. We need to stop scrolling and take a minute.” However, he recognises that art can still ignite and excite, even on social. People love beauty. That makes me happy, to know that so many people are being impacted and we are making an impression.”

Replica Man Magazine, Photography by Iñigo Awewave

At 44 years old and with the session world at his fashionable feet, what advice would he give his younger self? I was very bullied growing up, and after what I went through, I would say: You will be more than okay. Trust in yourself and trust in your voice. You are valid.” With his roots firmly entrenched in London, he says hes happy to live and work in environments where he feels accepted: We are in such a good place with inclusivity. As a gay man, I feel very lucky to be in an industry thats open and welcoming. I feel extremely safe in this world.”

It seems as though he’s where hes meant to be. He knows who he is and what he can bring to the campaign table. The underlying truth is that he cares. He understands what hes capable of, and hes not afraid to create it. He can always see his vision in a crowded space, creating and illuminating as he goes. Bravo.