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Some handy hints to support your bid for success in this year’s Most Wanted and It List Awards. 

MWIT Judge 23

Tommy Cunliffe, 2023 judge

We know you’ve got this, but we also know it takes a lot of time, energy and focus to compile an awards entry, so a bit of guidance to keep you on track can only help, right? The following five tips have been gathered from years of experience running the competitions, together with feedback from our judges, so we reckon they’re worth a look. Now, go forth – and go get those Most Wanted and It List trophies!

1. Get to grips with what’s needed first 

Once you’ve chosen the category or categories you’re entering, really take time to understand what the criteria is asking for. Not only is it vital to hit all the asks to be eligible for the next phase, but our judges refer to the criteria while they’re evaluating each submission, deciding who has met the brief brilliantly. They can be a great guiding tool in setting out a clear framework for your submission. 

2. Pack in personality 

Think about what sets you apart from your peers. How can you give the judges a sense of who you really are? What is the unique story you want to tell? Inject tonnes of personality into your entry – including within the language you use, the imagery you include, and the stories you’re sharing. This will all help to ensure what you put forward is as authentic to you as possible.

3. Share learnings as well as successes 

The Most Wanted and It List awards are about your journey, not just a small snapshot in time. It’s as important to include how you got to where you are now, as it is to talk about your present situation and future focuses. Don’t be afraid to include learnings alongside successes, judges love to hear how you overcame obstacles and used the experience to fuel your fire! 

4. Show variety
Demonstrate the breadth of your brilliance! If you’re entering a creative category, have you shown a wealth of different work and skills at play, for example a variety of styles/techniques on a diverse range of people. If it’s a business category, have you shared a good balance of what you offer and achieve? Absolutely shout about your key strengths but consider the full scope of what you offer within your craft too. 

5. Leave time for reflection 

You may feel time is on your side right now, but don’t be fooled! You’ve got a lot of awesomeness to sift through and assemble, so make sure you build in enough time to review your entry, make any revisions, and get it uploaded in time for the deadline.

That’s it! Five handy hints to help you on your way, may it be fun and fruitful, good luck! 

It’s free to enter the Most Wanted and the It List 2024. Entries must be submitted no later than 9pm on Monday 20 May. For category lists and entry instructions, click here for Most Wanted and here for the It List. 
