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A new twist on the Farrah Fawcett classic with big, bouncy waves.

“I love this ’70s blow-out because it has really moved from a trend to something more classic. People love it, the flicks and texture always perform super well on social, and also it’s such a fun look to add colour with too!”

It’s really important to start with the perfect prep. I use lots of Amika Brooklyn Bombshell Blowout Spray, which is great as you can really layer it up to create a strong base. I apply this all the way through the roots and ends. It’s also good to add a small amount of smoothing cream to the ends – I love Amika Supernova Moisture and Shine Cream for this is as it’s super lightweight. 

Using my ghd helios hair dryer, I blast dry the hair to remove lots of moisture. This is when I’ll then divide the hair into sections. Sectioning off is so important for the direction you want the hair to sit, I like to take all my sections diagonally. Working diagonally back means the hair sits a lot better, and this also creates more width which is key for that ’70s feel.


Once sectioned I use the dryer and round brush, starting around the face and over-directing the hair forward as I blow the ends backwards. I go over each section a few times and switch between hot and cool to really seal in the curl and volume. It’s important to use lots of tension and pull the hair out as you dry. Once I reach the crown, I like to alternate the direction I dry – some towards the face and some backwards – but I still over-direct the roots forward. 

After the hair is dried, I leave it to cool ideally for around five minutes so it can really set. I then spritz with lots of Amika Un.Done Texture Spray and get my hands in and massage the roots, this breaks up any section marks and helps me to see how the hair is falling. Next, I tilt the head back and brush the hair upside down to create as much width as possible, before applying more texture spray.


Always use your fingers to manipulate the hair so it sits exactly how you want! You can finish with hairspray, but personally I prefer texture spray as it is drier and keeps the hair looking more modern and fluffy. This finish is perfect for creating the ultimate Insta hair.”




